Cloughjordan Hosts Voices from Palestine

I was honoured to attend the  V S I hosted Voices from Palestine event in the wonderful Tomás MacDonagh Heritage centre in Cloughjordan last Thursday night. It was an event that drew a large crowd of over 50 enthusiastic attendees listened to 4 Palestinians who had four different tales to tell as there was one […]

Letter to Editor – Seanad: why voting No is wise choice

Dear Sir   No one has argued convincingly why a two-house system is best, or why keeping and fixing the Seanad and Dáil is essential for our prosperity and wellbeing.   A two-house system is the best parliamentary system yet devised. It derives from human nature itself. The simple principle on which a two-house system […]

Letter to Editor – Referendum Smokescreen

Dear Sir, I write to express some points which I feel are absent from the debate for the retention of the Seanad. The savings will merely accrue in the salaries and expenses of Senators and staff which amounts to €8.8m p.a. Whatever about the amount, we won’t see the effect of the savings for at […]

SPORT OR . . .

By Mattie Lennon. “ Money spent on sport . . . it’s better than putting it into hospitals, into Consultants, into Doctors . . .”  (Michael Ring, on Liveline 13th August.) Thank God I’m not in his constituency. Now that the Olympics are  over I’m wondering, is sport all that necessary? Great thinkers, writers and […]

The hypocrisy of Fine Gael and Labour in Government is hurting democracy – Morris

“The hyprocracy of Fine Gael and Labour in Government is hurting democracy”   Over the last few weeks we have seen the level that this Government will go to to pursue people for the uncollectable “household charge”. The charge itself is not a property tax at all but a barefaced attempt to extract even more […]

Morris accuses the yes side of taking the people of North Tipperary for granted

The much awaited debate on the Fiscal/austerity treaty due to take place next Monday night in the Nenagh arts centre has had to be cancelled because the manager of the centre could not get one speaker from the yes side leading me to believe that the yes side think that they don’t need to debate […]

Objection to Stability Treaty information leaflet

The People’s Association Watchdog would like to formally object to the government’s ‘information’ website and leaflet in regard to the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union. We would further protest the use of any public funds for this document. We believe this contravenes the mcKenna judgement and clearly shows […]

Governments housing policy is failing the people of North Tipperary – Morris

Over the last few months I have askedNorthTipperaryCountycouncil a series of questions related to housing policy in the constituency. The answers that I have received have confirmed to me that this Governments policy of forcing our housing applicants into private rented accommodation is not working for either tenant of landlord. This Government have continued the […]

Irish water is yet another source of income for the ECB to pay off the bondholders and banksters – Morris

The recent announcement of the creation of a new Irish Water company and the handing over of this vital resource which sustains all life to An Bord Gais without any due diligence is more about raising more revenue for our E C B controlled Government than actually preserving water. Those that are promising a bonanza […]

People’s Association Watchdog call on Mary O’Rourke to release tapes

Dear Irish Citizen, Just a few days ago on the Marian Finucan show former Fianna Fail TD and fellow public servant Mary O’Rourke stated that she was in possession of four [4] Tapes containing the events of the evening of September 28th 2008 and subsequent events. Mrs O’Rourke went on to inform the listening audience […]

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