The hypocrisy of Fine Gael and Labour in Government is hurting democracy – Morris
“The hyprocracy of Fine Gael and Labour in Government is hurting democracy”
Over the last few weeks we have seen the level that this Government will go to to pursue people for the uncollectable “household charge”. The charge itself is not a property tax at all but a barefaced attempt to extract even more hard earned money from the already hard-pressed people of Ireland. We are told that it is to be used for “local services” but while this whole debate is going on “local services” like banks,rural Garda Stations, Refuse collection and Rural post offices are being closed down by this anti Rural Ireland Government who are determined to destroy Rural Ireland at the behest of the Bondholders and neo liberal European Federalists in Fine Gael. The 38% of people in North Tipperary who have refused to register for payment have taken a stance on what is attempted robbery(don’t worry about being caught the state has NO KNOWLEDGE OF WHO HASN’T PAID).
While all of this is going on we hear of the unfairness of Sinn Féin in the 6 counties who stand by a property tax but we aren’t told of course is that the property tax pays for real local services (like free school books, school transport,refuse collection, fire service call out, annual desludging of septic tanks and fantastic local government owned recreation facilities )delivered free. I’m sure if people were offered those services free then there would be a better take up but Fine Gael and Labour support the daylight robbery of your money without question of the way that Minister Phil Hogan has handled this fiasco. In the last week we are told by the bullying Minister that because of the lack of takeup of the household charge North Tipperary County Council are to stop paying Grants that have been committed to for The Elderly/The Disabled and community groups like the Relay for life, Wheelchair Ireland and Lough Derg Yacht Club who have been to the forefront of voluntary Sports Tourism projects Shame on You Phil Hogan!
Such is the disastrous way that the Minister has handled his brief since becoming minister including undermining the whole local Government system that a motion of no confidence in Phil Hogan was put to North Tipperary county council of course in true Fine Gael and Labour fashion the vote was held up until Phil Bugler presented herself after a hold up to vote for the bullying Minister despite not have heard any of the reasoned debate. The people that voted for Minister Hogan were V O Dowd, J Meaney , M Lowry (jnr), P Coonan, G Darcy, E Moran, J McGrath P Bugler and M O Meara. Just to show the utter contempt that Minister Hogan holds the people of Ireland around the same time that he is bullying people to pay the household charge he was attending a party full of tax cheats, tax avoiders and Disgraced Developers and politicians now there’s hypocrisy for you!