Voices from the past – The Spoken Word; Irish Poets and Writers
By Mattie Lennon “The voice of the dead was a living voice to me.” (Tennyson.) When listening to The Lake Isle of Innisfree or reading The Great Hunger have you ever wondered what the authors’ voices sounded like? Wonder no more. The British Library has brought out a 3CD set, The Spoken Word; Irish Poets and Writers. It consists of 24 recordings; […]
SPORT OR . . .
By Mattie Lennon. “ Money spent on sport . . . it’s better than putting it into hospitals, into Consultants, into Doctors . . .” (Michael Ring, on Liveline 13th August.) Thank God I’m not in his constituency. Now that the Olympics are over I’m wondering, is sport all that necessary? Great thinkers, writers and […]