Mid-West Humanists say Yes in Blasphemy referendum on 26 10 2018
The referendum is on 26 10 2018, same day as the Presidential election. The Mid West Humanists (MWH) support freedom of speech, and all people’s right to read any writing, cartoon, or other communication, including when it criticises or satirises an idea, whether religious, political, social, sporting, or scientific. Peter O’Hara of the MWH says […]
Up to 4,064 young people in Tipperary not on electoral register
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is urging young people to make sure they have registered to vote in time for the upcoming referendums on May 22nd. The registration deadline is Tuesday, May 5th. A RedC/NYCI poll last autumn found that up to 30% of 18-25 year olds were not on the electoral register.* […]
The Integration Centre calls for Seanad Reform, Not Abolition
The Integration Centre has asked people to reflect on the role the Seanad has played over the years in providing a voice to minorities in the country who have struggled to be represented in the Dáil, before voting in this Friday’s (04/10/13) referendum. While acknowledging the shortcomings and the historical ineffectiveness of the Seanad, CEO […]
Letter to Editor – Seanad: why voting No is wise choice
Dear Sir No one has argued convincingly why a two-house system is best, or why keeping and fixing the Seanad and Dáil is essential for our prosperity and wellbeing. A two-house system is the best parliamentary system yet devised. It derives from human nature itself. The simple principle on which a two-house system […]
Letter to Editor – Referendum Smokescreen
Dear Sir, I write to express some points which I feel are absent from the debate for the retention of the Seanad. The savings will merely accrue in the salaries and expenses of Senators and staff which amounts to €8.8m p.a. Whatever about the amount, we won’t see the effect of the savings for at […]
No Vote urged in “Power Grab” Referendum
Vice-President of Fianna Fáil, Tipperary’s Arthur Griffin, has urged the people of Tipperary to vote No in the forthcoming Seanad referendum which he has described as “an attempted power grab by a government afraid of debate.” Mr Griffin made the comments following the launch of the Fianna Fáil Seanad No Campaign. Speaking following the launch […]
Referendum on the Thirty-first Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012
Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, has today (8thOctober 2012) made an order appointing Saturday 10 November 2012 as the polling day at the referendum on the proposal for the amendment of the Constitution contained in the Thirty-first Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012. Polling will take place […]
Children’s Rights Referendum???
by Sonya Oldham, People’s Association Watchdog We eagerly awaited the wording of the children’s rights amendment as we all want what is best for our children, and for all children. It is a child’s right to grow up safely and to reach their own potential. Unfortunately this does not always happen, so will this constitutional […]
Fiscal Treaty Referendum Results
Total Poll 1,591,385 Invalid votes 7,206 Valid votes – 1,584,179 Yes – 955,091 No – 629,088 Majority 326,003
North Tipperary County Council passes Motion to reject the Fiscal Treaty
A statement issued by Cllr. Séamie Morris today tells how North Tipperary County Council passed a motion calling on the council to” express its opposition to the fiscal compact treaty because it makes permanent cutbacks in public spending and removes the option of stimulating the economy to promote growth” North Tipperary County council today passed a motion […]