No repossessions Write down mortgages to current value – Collins
Joan Collins TD today slammed the Fine Gael-Labour-Troika plan to give more power to the banks to repossess family homes. Calling for a mortgage write-down, Joan Collins said: “This new threat of repossession will make christmas a miserable time for many families. The Troika have been pushing the banks to get heavy with people who […]
Morris accuses Labour of abandoning their principles
“ Morris Claims that Labour have capitulated to Fine Gael In Government” In the same week that the Labour party held their 100 anniversary in Clonmel the party have all but abandoned their principles and indeed the people that voted for them in Tipperary by tearing up their pre election contract with the electorate. […]
Our state obsession with deferring to others is killing this country – Letters
Ireland as a country has had an obsession with deferring power to others so that we can blame everyone else for our own problems. Before this state was formed we liked to defer to the British(some still dream of the return of British rule) we then deferred to the Catholic church and now thanks to […]
Teacher and carer resources must be used effectively and Government held accountable – Mitchell
Fine Gael Presidential candidate, Gay Mitchell MEP, has said that if elected President, he will hold the Government accountable to ensure that carer and teacher resources are used effectively and are not wasted. He was speaking yesterday (Monday) at the Inclusion Ireland event in the Mansion House, Dublin. “My eldest sister has a disability, both […]
The Revisionist Hypocrisy of Fine Gael and Labour
by Seamie Morris The last few weeks ever since Deputy First Minister of the six county Government Martin McGuiness decided to legitimately throw his name in the Presidential race we have seen disgraceful revisionism from Fine Gael and Labour. Of course this is nothing to do with Martin McGuiness himself and all to do with […]
A&E at Limerick Regional Hospital “will not close” says Minister
Health Minister James Reilly has given assurance to the city’s Fine Gael TD’s that there will be no night-time closures of A&E at the Mid Western Regional Hospital this summer. Constituents of both Minister Michael Noonan and Deputy Kieran O’Donnell have been deeply concerned by reports a shortage in junior doctors could see the doors […]
Minister’s Pursuit of Advance Release of €600 Million EU Farm Payments is Very Welcome – Hayes
South Tipperary Fine Gael TD Tom Hayes has welcomed the decision by Minister for Agriculture, Simon Coveney to lobby for bringing forward the awarding of the Single Farm Payment (SFP) by the EU Commission. This week, Minister Coveney announced his intention to have the payments worth €600 million brought forward from December to October at […]
IFA President Meets Enterprise Minister on Code of Practice For Retailers
IFA President John Bryan will this evening (Tues) meet Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton to discuss plans for delivering a fair margin for primary producers and curbing the power of the retail multiples. He said, “The Minister must give a firm commitment that legislation contained in the Programme for Government will be prioritised and implemented without […]
€1.8 million Roads Funding Includes Funding for Bansha and Golden as Part of Jobs Initiative – Hayes
South Tipperary T.D. Tom Hayes has welcomed the additional €1.8 million to be spent on South Tipperary Roads in 2011 as part of the Jobs Initiative launched this week, which includes €138,000 for Golden village and €43,500 for Grallagh, near Bansha. “As part of this week’s Jobs Initiative, County Councils across the country are being […]