New Book Released To Commemorate Martin McGuinness

Martin McGuinness: The Man I Knew, as told by neighbours, community leaders, politicians, and a former US President. It has been a year since the death of Martin McGuinness made the front page of many media outlets around the world. A new book, Martin McGuinness: The Man I Knew, released to commemorate the first anniversary […]

Gerry Adams Releases New Book ‘Never Give Up’

‘Some of the issues and campaigns I write about are still un­resolved at the time of publication, years after I put pen to paper. These include the search for justice and equality for so many in Ireland and throughout the world. Some of these campaigns are decades old. They are still winnable. The secret is […]

The Revisionist Hypocrisy of Fine Gael and Labour

by Seamie Morris The last few weeks ever since Deputy First Minister of the six county Government Martin McGuiness decided to legitimately throw his name in the Presidential race we have seen disgraceful revisionism from Fine Gael and Labour. Of course this is nothing to do with Martin McGuiness himself and all to do with […]

Corrigan Brothers new song- Presidential Seven

Why do Mary Davis posters look like Special K adverts?  Does Gay Mitchell look like Dracula’s young Brother? Why is Michael D sitting quietly? Why does Dana love the Constitution so much? What caused Sean Gallagher’s Fianna Fail Amnesia?  What will Martin McGuinness say to Charles and Camilla when he meets them? And Has Davis […]

Morris accuses Ed Walsh of hijacking the Dromineer Literary Festival

I was very disappointed to see Ed Walsh use the wonderful  Dromineer Literary Festival to express his pro establishment views of Presidential candidate Martin McGuiness. Ed Walsh is well known for his fascist anti working class views and is not slow in using every altar to sermon working class people about living beyond their means. […]