Prompt ACRES & Fodder Transport Payments Needed – IFA

IFA Rural Development Chair John Curran has made an appeal to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to deliver all maximum payments on time to farmers over the coming weeks.   Cashflow is becoming more and more of a problem on many farms, across all sectors. Minister McConalogue needs to ensure there are no […]

CCAC Report Puts it Up to Government on Climate Support for Farming – IFA

IFA President Francie Gorman has reacted to Climate Change Advisory Council report saying it reaffirms the IFA’s position that the Government need to provide more support for farmers.   Mr. Gorman said that farmers are committed to producing food in a sustainable way but that they must be supported to continue doing so.   ‘Farmers […]

In-Person SCEP Training Must Be Accessible to All Farmers – IFA

IFA National Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan said the in-person training for farmers in SCEP announced by the Minister for Agriculture must be accessible to all farmers.   Mr. Hanrahan said suckler farmers in the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme must have the training requirement of the scheme completed by November 15th, 2024, in order to stay […]

NFS Results for Suckler and Beef Farmers Serious Wake-up Call for Government

IFA National Livestock chair Declan Hanrahan said that the Minister for Agriculture and his colleagues in Government cannot avoid the harsh realities of the income situation for suckler and beef farmers which was revealed in the Teagasc National Farm Survey. This survey showed that income for suckler and beef farmers dropped to the lowest levels […]

Vet Med Discussions Have to Include Farmers

IFA Animal Health chair TJ Maher has expressed his concern over the lack of communication between farmers, the Department of Agriculture, vets and licensed merchants on the Draft SI for the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation that has taken place over the past few weeks. Farmers received no communication on this matter and have been left […]

ACRES Delays Compound Financial Hardship for Farmers

IFA Hill Farming chair Caillin Conneely has called on Charlie McConalogue, the Minister for Agriculture, to intervene as quickly as possible to provide support to hill and sheep farmers under financial pressure in the next Budget.   This call was made following the release of the Teagasc National Farm Survey and commenting on this the […]

Reopening of Farm Safety Measure A Positive Move

IFA Farm Family and Social Affairs chair Teresa Roche has welcomed the reopening of the Farm Safety Measure which was announced by Minister Martin Heydon.   Speaking about the reintroduction of the measure she said: “With Farm Safety Week ongoing, the announcement today by the Minister is a positive step towards reducing danger on farms.” […]

Isolated Minister Must Reverse Decision Immediately – IFA & IGG

A statement from the Irish Grain Growers Association (IGG) and the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) has again called the Minister for Agriculture to reverse his decision to suspend the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM). Along with the calls to reverse the decision from the IFA and the IGG, two Junior Ministers in the Department of Agriculture […]