EPA Report Shows That 82% Of People In Tipperary Are Worried About Climate Change
A report released today by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that public support for climate action remains at a high level nationwide. The data released in this report shows the level of concern Irish people have about climate issues on a national and individual county level and is part of the ‘Climate Change in […]
CCAC Report Puts it Up to Government on Climate Support for Farming – IFA
IFA President Francie Gorman has reacted to Climate Change Advisory Council report saying it reaffirms the IFA’s position that the Government need to provide more support for farmers. Mr. Gorman said that farmers are committed to producing food in a sustainable way but that they must be supported to continue doing so. ‘Farmers […]
One third of Irish people are alarmed about climate change
The EPA have released a report titled ‘Climate Change’s Four Irelands’. This report provides an analysis of Ireland’s attitudes towards climate change. According to the report 48% of the Irish population are concerned with climate change saying they are convinced it is a serious issue, 34% are alarmed about climate change and believe it is […]
Climate Change Advisory Council Annual Review 2024 – Electricity Sectoral Review
The Climate Change Advisory Council has said that much more urgent action is required from Government if Ireland is to meet its 2030 electricity capacity targets and stay within the electricity sectoral ceiling. The Council, which published its Annual Review of the electricity sector today, has warned that Ireland’s renewable electricity generation remains significantly below […]
People in Ireland continue to be positive about benefits of climate action
The results of the second wave of the EPA’s Climate Change in the Irish Mind survey show: Consistent with the previous study, findings show widespread agreement on many climate change attitudes and strong majority support for climate action. 81 percent of people in Ireland are worried about climate change and 75 percent think extreme weather […]
The evidence is clear: Climate change is happening – EPA
Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment is the first comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the state of knowledge of climate change in Ireland. We are living in and experiencing a changing climate. In line with global trends, 16 of the 20 warmest years in Ireland have occurred since 1990. More action is needed to meet Ireland’s legally binding emissions […]
Climate Change, Cost of Living and Spending Top The Bill For Global Consumers – EY Future Consumer Index
Seven in ten (71%) consumers plan to delay purchases until festive sales events More than half (54%) consumers plan to spend less to save money Close to half (46%) of consumers very concerned about climate change Older generations more likely to recycle (63%) or use reusable bags (65%), younger generations more likely to check sustainability […]
Savings and Investment Index shows climate change is fastest growing concern
Bank of Ireland’s Savings and Investment Index in Q3 2023 shows that climate change is the fastest growing concern, with almost a quarter of households (23%) now citing it as their number one worry, almost double the level seen in Q4 2022. While inflation continues to be the dominant concern (30% of households), it has […]
Minister Ryan meets with delegates from the National Youth Assembly on Climate to hear their calls to action on climate change
Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan TD yesterday met with delegates from the National Youth Assembly on Climate (NYAC) to hear their recommendations and calls to action emerging from the second NYAC held on 11th March this year. The young delegates looked at three key areas of the Climate Action Plan — sustainable transport, the circular […]
EPA Climate Change Lecture Series – ‘Ocean Circulation, Tipping Points and the Public Climate Debate
The EPA, in partnership with Dublin City Council, is delighted to welcome Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, Co-Head of the Research Department on Earth System Analysis the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor of Physics of the Oceans at the University of Potsdam. The public lecture will take place on 19th April at 7:00pm in […]