Ten tips for a sustainable Christmas

Ireland will generate approximately 90,000 tonnes of packaging waste this Christmas, academics at the University College Cork (UCC) Environmental Research Institute (ERI), have come together to dream of a green Christmas. 1/ Buy a real Christmas tree! Given that it involves cutting down trees, this might at first sound counter-intuitive as a sustainability measure. After […]

Ibec Appoints Gerard Brady As New Head Of Tax And Fiscal Policy

Mr Brady will hold responsibility for shaping and driving Ibec’s tax, economic and fiscal policies. Having joined the organisation in 2013, Gerard most recently held the position of Ibec Senior Economist. His role involved regular analysis of economic issues for a business audience and policy engagement on economic and tax policy issues, along with advising […]

Expanded ‘Moo Crew’ Returns For Primary School Children

Moo Crew, The Primary Dairy Moovement, will be available to primary schools again after Easter 2016 with a programme which expands into the Junior and Senior Infant classes for the first time, all the way up to 6th class; and with extended resources for teachers and pupils. Moo Crew was developed by the National Dairy […]

UCC Connects Startups To Free Legal Advice

UCC has become the first university in Ireland to offer free legal information to startups with the launch of its new IT Law Clinic. Twelve postgraduate law students work together with academic staff and established law firms including McCullagh Wall, Ronan Daly Jermyn and O’Dowd Solicitors, responding to legal questions from startups, from protecting copyright […]

Claiming Our Future Tipperary Citizens Forum in Nenagh

Claiming our Future Tipperary is organising a CitizensForum in Nenagh. May 14th 1.45-5pm. Keeping the focus on political reform. See www.ntlp.ie for full details. All Welcome. Book Early. In the General Election 2011, promises of reform were made by all parties. One element of that reform should give citizens a stronger voice in the day […]

2011 General Election Candidates for South Tipperary

Name: Michael Brown Party: Sinn Fein Michael Brown took a seat on Cashel Town Council in 1985; he lost it in 1999 even though he increased his vote, and regained the seat in 2004.  Michael Brown is currently the Mayor of Cashel. Name: Tom Hayes Party: Fine Gael Website: tomhayes.ie Tom Hayes is a native […]