‘Regional job opportunities exist’ – Manager of Mid West Action Plan for Jobs Minister

Following the announcement that the Coty facility in Nenagh will cease operations with the loss of 200 jobs by the end of 2018, the Mid-West Action Plan for Jobs Programme Manager Dr. Órlaith Borthwick has sought to allay fears for those impacted.

Dr. Borthwick said “our thoughts are with those who are impacted by this announcement; facing redundancy is a frightening prospect and this is a very difficult time for many individuals and families in Nenagh and the surrounding area.

We encourage people to remain as optimistic as possible. My remit is Jobs for Mid-West region, I have a colleague similarly focused on Skills for the Mid West and of course we’ve a Mid-West IDA manager. Collectively we are here to support and augment skills and job opportunities across the region.

The improved road infrastructure opens up access to Nenagh. For those who wish to remain within the same sector companies like Optel Vision, Element Six and J&J Visioncare are all actively looking for people.

For others this may be an opportunity to gain skills in a new sector while the wind down happens over the next 12 to 18 months, in areas such  as Financial Services, IT and BioPharma to name but a few.

There is a plethora of free part and full-time up-skilling courses like Springboard, initiatives by Tipperary Education and Training Board and indeed targeted approaches such as that of Future People – focused on providing people with skills that are in demand by industry.

Additionally, as was demonstrated by events which have taken place in recent weeks there is a drive to ensure the necessary skills are in place to provide a pipeline of talent for FirstData who are due to commence operations in Nenagh later this year” concluded Dr. Borthwick.

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