Tipperary Town Library Invites Musicians To Join Jam Sessions

Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

Attention Musicians!! Tipperary Town Library are looking for new members to join their first ever jam session. Anyone who has an affinity for music and plays an instrument is welcome to join in the sessions which will take place on a weekly basis beginning on Friday the 7th of February at 1pm.  

These informal sessions aim to provide a space for those who are passionate about playing music to meet others who share their passion and interest in music. Playing music in a group session such as this not only provides a space to build friendships with new people but may also help you to improve as a musician by boosting your confidence playing in front of others, allowing you to avail of peers opinions and improve your teamwork and social skills by creating music with others.  

For more information on the jam sessions call 052 616 6126  

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