Tips law will put money into the pockets of hospitality workers
Several years of campaigning by trade unions have paid off for workers in the hospitality sector as from now on tips and gratuities will go directly into their pockets. The Payment of Wages (Tips & Gratuities) Act 2022, was signed into law by the President, Mr. Michael D. Higgins. Clem Shevlin spokesperson for ONE Galway, said […]
Trade Unions in Tipperary to Lobby Local TD on Housing and Homeless Crisis, as part of National ICTU Campaign
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is undertaking a national lobbying campaign on the housing and homeless crisis that will see delegations of union members meet with TDs in all constituencies across the country, including Tipperary. In the Tipperary constituency, locally-based union members will meet with Jackie Cahill TD. The Congress team will be seeking the support of […]
Student Teachers Consider Dropping Out Due To Financial Pressures
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI), alongside trade unions ICTU, TUI, ASTI and INTO, released a report today detailing that 42% of student teachers consider dropping out of college due to financial pressures associated with work placement. The report outline the average cost of placement for student teachers per week totaled €160 a week […]
United Left Alliance demand ICTU call for NO vote on Austerity Treaty
European Trade Union confederation (ETUC) & 3 major Irish unions call for no vote; ICTU must follow ? Austerity Treaty will result in major increase in job loses The United Left Alliance today held a lobby at the meeting of the Executive of ICTU to call for a No vote on the Fiscal Treaty Referendum. […]
United Left Alliance calls on ICTU to endorse a NO vote for the Fiscal Treaty
The United Left Alliance is calling on the leadership of ICTU to maintain a consistent position on the Fiscal Treaty and call for a NO vote when they meet this Friday to decide their position. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to which the ICTU is affiliated has come out against the Fiscal Treaty. [We […]