Lamb Price Cuts Must Stop – IFA

Highlighting that the level of cuts to lamb prices by factories must be stopped following a meeting of the IFA National Sheep committee, Aidan Gallagher, IFA National Sheep Chair said:   “Members reflected the huge anger, frustration and despondency of sheep farmers at the depth and speed of the price cuts exerted by factories on lamb […]

Repak’s Plastic Pledge Signatories Work Towards Ireland’s Circular Economy Goals

151 Repak Members are Signatories of the Plastic Pledge. Under this pledge, signatories adopt more sustainable practices and remove significant volumes of plastic from their operations and supply chain. Although the Plastic Pledge has 151 signatories, 4 of these have made significant changes to their sustainability practices in 2023. These signatories were Aldi, Lidl, Nestle […]

Tipperary County Council Receives Funding Under Fáilte Ireland Scheme

Under Fáilte Ireland’s EU Just Transition Regenerative Tourism and Placemaking Scheme Tipperary County Council received just over €766, 714 in investment grants. The total grant given has been divided between two projects in Tipperary.   The first project to be funded by the investment grant is the detailed planning and design for the regeneration of […]

IFA President Says Passing of Nature Restoration Law No Surprise

Francie Gorman has reacted to the passing of the Nature Restoration Law by the EU Council of Environment Ministers this morning. In response to the passing of this, the President of the IFA had this to say:   “It was always likely that the law would pass once the EU elections were over. Farmers will […]

The Nature Restoration Law lives to fight another day

European People’s Party fails with disinformation campaign  Nature and the ever-growing list of stakeholders supporting the Nature Restoration Law can breathe a sigh of relief as the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee of the European Parliament rejected attempts by conservative and right-wing groups to kill the proposed law in a very tight […]

New challenges for Europe’s cohesion: the 20th edition of the #EURegionsWeek is ready to start

Today the 2022 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities starts off in a hybrid format, after a very demanding year. The #EURegionsWeek wants to encourage participants to take part in the discussion on the challenges emerging in Europe at regional and local level following the war in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict has an extensive […]

EU to strengthen tools to tackle breaches of UK trade agreements

Seán Kelly MEP has been appointed lead author (Rapporteur) for the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee in drafting legislation aimed at strengthening the EU’s hand in responding to breaches of obligations under the post-Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the UK.   “With the introduction of the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill in […]

Time to acknowledge the role of Deposit Refund Systems (DRS) in achieving a Circular Economy for beverage packaging in the EU

Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE), UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe and Zero Waste Europe call on the EU to facilitate the beverage industry’s transition to circularity by developing a legal framework for setting up new efficient DRS for beverage packaging. Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE), UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe and Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) urge the […]

The CAP reform agreement betrays the commitments made by the EU – ECVC

For ECVC, this CAP reform fails to meet the nine CAP objectives and the objectives set out in the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. At the close of the trilogue negotiations on the CAP reform, European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) expresses its frustration and disappointment with regard to the agreed […]

The EU needs an ambitious contingency plan for food security

The COVID19 pandemic has raised awareness of the need to prepare for a possible food supply crisis in Europe. Indeed, climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as future pandemics and possible geopolitical disruptions, make our food system more fragile. Its growing complexity, with increased dependency on transport, logistics, energy supply and the internet, also […]

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