Beef Price Edges Upwards, But More Needed – IFA
IFA Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan has expressed his view that more is needed from the beef market as prices for beef begin to edge upwards. He said the gap in beef prices with Ireland’s key markets needs to be fixed and that these gaps are unacceptable. “Demand for beef is strong and will only increase […]
Beef Price Edges Upwards – IFA
IFA Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan outlined the increase in cattle prices along with tightening supplies on the ground. He highlighted factories struggling to source enough cattle to fill orders paying up to 5/10c per kg above quotes to secure deals as demand strengthens. “The strong demand is also evident at mart sales where competition has […]
Factory Demand for Cattle Increases – IFA
IFA Livestock chair Declan Hanrahan has outlined the demand for In – spec cattle which has increased significantly over the past few days as numbers of suitable cattle tighten on the ground. He highlighted the struggle facing factories and their agents where some are now willing to pay 5-10c/kg over quotes to obtain cattle […]
Lamb Price Cuts Must Stop – IFA
Highlighting that the level of cuts to lamb prices by factories must be stopped following a meeting of the IFA National Sheep committee, Aidan Gallagher, IFA National Sheep Chair said: “Members reflected the huge anger, frustration and despondency of sheep farmers at the depth and speed of the price cuts exerted by factories on lamb […]
Unacceptable Opportunism by Factories on Beef Price – IFA
IFA National Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan has strongly criticised attempts by meat factories to take advantage of the difficulties farmers experienced this Spring. “Some farmers were forced into earlier and expensive finishing of beef cattle due to the weather conditions in the Spring and factories are now attempting to take advantage of these farmers […]
Factories Short-changing Farmers by up to €6m Per Week
Speaking at the IFA Beef meeting in Portlaoise tonight attended by over 300 people, IFA President Tim Cullinan said that the farmers were being short-changed by €6m a week based on the Bord Bia beef price tracker. “The Bord Bia tracker has brought more transparency to beef price and we can now see that Irish […]