Ballyhea Says No – Week 250 – Why we persevere
by Diarmuid O’Flynn Last Sunday we marked week 250 of the Ballyhea Says No campaign against the imposition of odious bank-debt on the Irish people. In the days before and after I was asked many times – how have ye kept going? How do ye persevere with a cause that gets so little publicity? My […]
Banking Failure has Cost every Tipperary person over €8,980
Speech By Seamus Healy TD in support of Ballyhea Motion callin on Government to ask EU to cancel the Promissory Note Debt Tuesday Nov 26 Banking Failure has Cost every Tipperary person over €8,980 Deputy Seamus Healy: Debt is the single biggest issue facing the citizens of this country. I publicly congratulate the “Ballyhea Says No” […]
Irish Citizen’s letter to EVERY minister in the Government
“Dear Minister, I am a typical Irish citizen, I’m 41, I work full-time as a bar manager, I pay my mortgage each month with my partner for my little terraced home in the border town of Dundalk, I pay my taxes (even though our roads are falling apart, my local hospital is all but closed, […]