Tonight’s Meeting on Housing and Homelessness in Clonmel to be addressed by Mike Allen, Director Of Advocacy, Focus Ireland – Seamus Healy

This Christmas morning over 3,000 children will wake up in hotel bedrooms and bed and Breakfast accommodation.

Successive governments including Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Labour Party stopped local authorities building social houses. They handed social housing over to private developers and the private market.

As a result, we have a National Housing and Homelessness Emergency including:

*         8,500 homeless

*         3,000 Children homeless

*         120,000 on Local Authority Housing Waiting lists

*         1,000 more couch surfing or doubling up with relatives.

*         1,000 more still trapped in private rented accommodation unable to get a mortgage or get on a Local Authority House Waiting list.

Tipperary County Council hasn’t built a Social house in the last 4 years and none will be built in 2017 either.

3,500 families are on Tipperary County Council houses waiting lists and we have 379 people homeless.

How did we get here? How can this Housing Emergency be solved? What can you do?

These are some of the questions that will be asked and answered at an important Public Meeting on Housing and Homelessness taking place in the Park Hotel, Clonmel on Wednesday 6th December at 8pm.

The Meeting will be addressed by nationally known speakers who have an in-depth knowledge of the Housing and Homeless emergency.

Dr Rory Hearne, is an author, researcher at Maynooth University and Social Justice Activist while Mike Allen is the Director of Advocacy with the housing charity Focus Ireland.

The Meeting will be chaired by Deputy Seamus Healy.

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