Free Tidy Towns Seminars on Waste Minimisation and Wildlife

North Tipperary County is encouraging Tidy Towns committees to attend its free seminars on Waste Minimisation and Wildlife in the month of March in Nenagh and Thurles. The evenings will commence with presentations from guest speakers Billy Flynn and Lorraine Power, environmental consultants and national adjudicators with the National Tidy Towns Competition.
Environmental Awareness Officer, Deirdre Cox, will briefly talk about grants/assistance available from the Local Authority to Tidy Towns groups.
The main focus, however, will be on the Waste Minimisation and Wildlife categories as these newer categories are posing challenges for many groups.
Details of the seminars are as follows and information leaflets will be available on the evening:
Tuesday 23rd March 7.30p.m – 9.30p.m Civic Offices, Nenagh

Thursday 25th March 7.30p.m – 9.30p.m Anner Hotel, Thurles
“Tidy Towns are playing their part in sustaining and enhancing a vibrant natural environment” said Deirdre Cox, Environmental Awareness Officer.
“The aim of the evening is to provide practical information to communities who devote their time to improving their local environment”.
In line with national biodiversity policy, the presentations will empower communities to include biodiversity into the sustainable development of localcommunties. The waste minimisation presentation will give a brief overview of home composting. The presentations will be followed by a question and answer session/discussion and practical tips on how to improve on last year’s marks.

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