Tipperary public urged to take the Operation PolliNation Pledge

ONE of Ireland’s largest garden centre networks is calling on enthusiasts of all ages and all skill levels to take the Operation PolliNation pledge and be in with a chance to win a €2,000 pollinator-friendly garden renovation. CountryLife is teaming up with the Irish public to help gardeners make their plots pollinator-friendly environments and show […]

Half of Irish farmers concerned about future – 9 out of 10 farmers want to reduce carbon footprint on farms

Today, ifac, the farming, food, and agribusiness professional services firm, is releasing the findings of its annual, national Farm Report. These insights are a combination of ifac collated financial data and results of the most comprehensive farmer survey ever conducted in Ireland.   Ifac’s 2020 Farm Report combines the views of almost 1,500 Irish farmers with a comprehensive […]

EPA survey indicates most people have taken steps to help the environment

Research commissioned by the EPA to coincide with the publication of its EPA 2019 Year in Review  report found that 78 per cent of people surveyed said they have personally taken steps to help the environment, and that 87 per cent of adults in Ireland recognise the importance of the environment as an asset to the country. The […]

Stockpiles Of Farm Plastic Now Becoming A Threat To Our Environment – Michael Lowry TD

Stockpiles Of Farm Plastic Now Becoming A Threat To Our Environment – Michael Lowry TD IFFPG are a ‘not for profit’ body approved by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to run the national farm plastic recycling scheme. Farmers understand and appreciate the necessity to properly dispose of farm plastic because of it’s […]

Majority of adults value the environment, while climate change is seen as the most pressing environmental issue in Ireland

An overwhelming majority of adults (86%) recognise the value of the environment to the people of Ireland, recent research conducted on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found. The EPA released the findings to coincide with the launch of its The EPA Year in Review 2018 report.  The Red C poll in November 2018 explored […]

2018 Annual Transition Statement published by Minister Bruton

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton T.D., yesterday (Tuesday 4th of December) published the 2018 Annual Transition Statement. This Statement provides an overview of climate change mitigation and adaptation policy measures adopted across government to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and to adapt to the effects of climate change. It must be […]

Minister Richard Bruton comes under huge pressure to back Dáil motion on plastic waste today

As the Dáil prepares to debate plastic waste this evening, 30,000 people have called on new Minister for the Environment, Richard Bruton TD to tackle the plastic waste crisis in a massive petition to be delivered to the Dáil at 1pm today. Friends of the Earth, Uplift and Voice Ireland have combined forces to back the common […]

Relentless implementation of policy needed to combat effects of climate extremes

“We have, by any measure, experienced an extraordinary year where nature reminded us who is in charge. With our changing climate, the confident predictions are that we can expect extreme events at greater frequency into the future”, said Laura Burke, Director General of the EPA, speaking at the annual ‘Environment Ireland’ conference. Laura Burke was […]

People of Ireland called to Join the Fight Against Litter for Future Generations #SpringClean18

Today the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten TD, accompanied by the Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring TD launched the 2018 National Spring Clean at a clean-up event at Merrion Square, Dublin. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the campaign runs throughout the month of April, and calls on communities to register […]

EPA Calls On Local Authorities To Target Inspections To Improve Air Quality

23 out of 31 local authorities improved their environmental performance between 2014 – 2016; 29 met the target standard. Local authorities need to target inspections to: control the burning of solid fuel, to lessen the 1,500 premature deaths associated with air pollution; improve management of key waste streams including waste tyres and waste food. The […]

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