74,233 People In Tipperary Set To Receive Christmas Bonus Social Welfare Payments and Doubled Child Benefit Payments This Week

Details for the lump sum ‘Christmas Bonus’ social welfare payments being paid this week have been announced by Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys.   Pensioners, disabled people, carers and lone parents are set to receive a 100% increase in their payments this week. Over 1.38 million people across the country, including 51,600 people in […]

8 Tipperary Primary Schools Announced as Part of 168 Further Schools Joining Hot Meals Programme

The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys, has announced an additional 168 primary schools countrywide that have been approved for the Hot School Meals Programme. This announcement means that a further 29,000 primary school children will receive a hot, nutritious meal each day during the school year bringing the number of children eligible for a […]

4,717 Families in Tipperary to Receive Payments As Part Of Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance

Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys has today announced a Back-to-School Clothing and Footwear allowance that will benefit over 126,000 families across the country. Out of the 126,000 families receiving funding countrywide, 4,717 families in Tipperary will be given an allowance for school clothing and footwear as part of this scheme.   This payment is designed […]