Ireland’s first Community-Owned Wind Farm opened in Templederry

Minister for Energy, Pat Rabbitte T.D., has officially opened Ireland’s first community owned wind farm in Templederry, Co. Tipperary. Templederry Community Wind Farm counts students, farmers and a local priest amongst its owners. The group is now producing green electricity and selling it to the grid, producing approximately 15GWh per annum. This is enough to power 3,500 houses or the equivalent of the local town of Nenagh.

In welcoming the community-led development Minister Rabbitte said, “I commend the local community here in Templederry for their initiative and resolve in successfully establishing Ireland’s first community-owned wind farm. Developed and owned by ordinary members of the local community this enterprise is already streaming benefits in the form of dividends into the local community. This project demonstrates the potential of local communities to harness their own local resources for their own benefit as well as contributing to important national goals – Ireland has signed up to demanding commitments at EU level and beyond as to the use of green energy in our overall energy mix. This development here in Templederry will assist us in reaching our green energy targets.”

The Minister went on to commend the Tipperary Energy Agency and Tipperary LEADER for their ongoing support of the initiative in its long road to fruition – a feasibility study took place as far back as 1999.

The Minister also drew a distinction between this type of initiative which produces electricity for domestic consumption and the separate question of developing renewable energy for export. He commented, “I recently announced that I am putting in place a clear national planning policy context for Renewable Energy Export. This will guide An Bord Pleanála when considering any proposals of a significant scale for wind energy export projects. The framework, which will be based on a Strategic Environmental Assessment, will be prepared over the coming year or so and will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders including local authorities, potential project developers and local communities to be consulted and have an input into the national policy for wind export.”

The Minister also noted that a separate process is in train, led by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, in conjunction with the Department of Energy and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, to review certain aspects of the existing Wind Energy Planning Guidelines. “This review is being undertaken in order to ensure that Ireland continues to meet its renewable energy targets, while at the same time ensuring that wind energy does not have negative impacts on local communities. It will examine the manner in which the Guidelines address key issues such as noise (including separation distance) and shadow flicker. It is expected that revised guidelines will be published for consultation in Quarter 1 2014 with a view to the finalisation of the new guidelines by mid-2014,” he said.

The Minister concluded his visit to Templederry by reiterating the need for breadth and diversity in the Energy Sector. “While the debate continues over how best to tackle rising energy costs, insecurity of supply, and the obvious downsides of a carbon driven energy sector, it has become increasingly apparent that what is needed is a broad mix of both top-down and bottom-up initiatives. The Templederry project is, I believe, a template for the future and I fully expect to see many more of these community led projects, where local people seize the initiative in powering Ireland for the 21st Century.”


3 Responses to “Ireland’s first Community-Owned Wind Farm opened in Templederry”


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  1. […] Templederry Community Wind Farm counts students, farmers and a local priest amongst its owners. The group is now producing green electricity and selling it to the grid, producing approximately 15GWh per annum. This is enough to power 3,500 houses or the equivalent of the local town of Nenagh. […]

  2. […] Tours include visits to Templederry Community Wind Farm, Ireland’s only community owned wind farm and Cloughjordan […]

  3. […] groups contributing to the joint submission on the Energy Green Paper include Templederry Community Wind Farm (Ireland’s only community operated wind farm), Cloughjordan EcoVillage, Birdhill Tidy Towns […]