Templederry Community Wind Farm and Drombane-Upperchurch Energy Team feature on Eco Eye

Two community energy groups from Co Tipperary featured on RTE’s Eco Eye programme last night (Tues 4th Feb). Presenter Duncan Stewart visited the Templederry Community Wind Farm and Drombane-Upperchurch Energy Team. You can see the full programme below.

Drombane Upperchurch energy team

Drombane Upperchurch Energy Team explain their project to Duncan Stewart

Templederry Community Wind Farm counts students, farmers and a local priest amongst its owners. The group is now producing green electricity and selling it to the grid, producing approximately 15GWh per annum. This is enough to power 3,500 houses or the equivalent of the local town of Nenagh.

The Drombane–Upperchurch Energy Team last month won the Best Community Renewable Energy Project at the Community and Council Awards.

  • ·         In total the 400 houses in the Drombane and Upperchurch locality spend €1,000,000 on home energy.
  • ·         In 2012 22 homes were upgraded. In 2013 a further 35 homes, plus two community halls were retrofitted.
  • ·         Once the whole community is retrofitted, it is expected to save householders a total of €250,000 per annum (25%)

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