Tipperary’s Communities Have Their Say on Ireland’s Energy Future
A large number of representatives from community groups across Tipperary came together recently to prepare a joint submission on the Green Paper on Ireland’s energy policy. The event was organised by Tipperary Energy Agency at the LIT’s campus in Thurles.
The groups contributing to the joint submission on the Energy Green Paper include Templederry Community Wind Farm (Ireland’s only community operated wind farm), Cloughjordan EcoVillage, Birdhill Tidy Towns Energy Team, Lorrha-Rathcabbin Energy Team, Kilcommon-Rearcross Energy Team and Gurteen Agricultural College. The award winning Drombane-Upperchurch Energy Team, who have demonstrated how to cut energy and save money with their community retrofit scheme also contributed to the submission. In addition to Tipperary Energy Agency, the submission is supported by Tipperary County Council, North Tipperary LEADER Partnership and Limerick Institute of Technology, Tipperary.
Commenting on the joint submission Paul Kenny, CEO Tipperary Energy Agency said “Global issues like energy security and climate change have huge implications at a local level. Tipperary communities are leading the way by reducing their energy usage and utilising more environmentally sound energy technologies. It’s imperative that the learnings from Tipperary should inform the government’s energy policy so that more people and communities can reduce energy use and produce more locally owned sustainable energy”.
Overall Tipperary’s communities suggest that Ireland’s energy policy should:
- · Establish a National Plan for 2050 through a wide consultation process that engages society, elected members, the media and bridging organisations.
- · Incentivise the switch to a low carbon economy. Reward consumers that are proactive in reducing consumption of fossil fuel based energy in favour of renewable energy sources.
- · Ensure that all Local Community and Economic County Plans have a strong focus on energy reduction and renewable energy generation objectives.
- · Establish best practice models with respect to community participation and/or ownership in projects.
- · Consider the requirement of a share equity ownership/community fund for local communities in significant renewable energy developments.
You can read the entire submission from the Tipperary Communities by visiting www.tea.ie
About Tipperary Energy Agency
Tipperary Energy Agency’s aim is to support the development of sustainable energy in Co. Tipperary and beyond. The Agency is committed to providing a comprehensive range of services to all sectors in Co. Tipperary with a view to implementing sustainable energy projects which are developed using best practice. The Agency works in the fields of energy efficiency, energy management, renewable energy and sustainable transport. For more information on the Tipperary Energy Agency please visit www.tea.ie