Number of young people on live register creeps up again to over 30,000

slight increase in line with seasonal trends but over 11,000 young people long-term unemployed still far too high The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has today highlighted concerns at the number of young people who are long term unemployed.  New figures released today (01.06.17) by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that the number […]

Record-Breaking 83% of Young People expected to Vote in the General Election

New research by Thinkhouse youth communications agency found that a record-breaking 83% of young people are expected to vote in the General Election on Friday. The Union of Students in Ireland has released new research by Smartvote which shows that 76% of 92,000 surveyed Smartvote users think low hour contracts should be abolished; and 70% […]

Young people in South Tipperary urged to register in time for General Election

1221 young people in South Tipperary have turned 18 since last year and will have right to vote Deadline for supplementary register may be as soon as 8th February The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is encouraging young people in County South Tipperary to make sure they are registered to vote, given that a […]

RedC poll: 4 in 10 young people struggling to make ends meet as a result of dole cuts

1 in 4 unable to move out of home as a result of the cuts made to Jobseeker’s Allowance Youth Council calls on Government to restore weekly rate of €188 for all young people on education, training and work experience programmes A new Red C poll* commissioned by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) […]

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