Up To 4,300 Young People In Tipperary May Not Be On Electoral Register With Days To Deadline

The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) – which represents organisations working with over 380,000 young people nationwide – is urging young people to make sure they have registered to vote before the registration deadline next Saturday November 25th.   A RedC poll conducted for the NYCI earlier this year found that 22% of those aged […]

RedC poll: 4 in 10 young people struggling to make ends meet as a result of dole cuts

1 in 4 unable to move out of home as a result of the cuts made to Jobseeker’s Allowance Youth Council calls on Government to restore weekly rate of €188 for all young people on education, training and work experience programmes A new Red C poll* commissioned by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) […]