Cloughjordan’s First Repair Cafe
What do you do with a broken toaster or lamp? Or with a chair that’s gone a bit wonky? Or when your sweater is holey? Toss it? No way! Cultivate and WeCreate Workspace are organising the first Repair Café and Fab Lab Open Day in Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary on Saturday 23 June, from 10 am to […]
Feeding Ourselves Gathering Cloughjordan – Food, Farming and Communities #FeedingOurselves2016
Feeding Ourselves Gathering – Accelerating the Transition to a Locally Based Economic Model of Agriculture and Food Distribution. On Saturday 5th March in Cloughjordan there is a national gathering of food sovereignty activists, growers and people involved, or getting involved, in community food initiatives. Some of the topics being dealt with are:- Farm Hack Biological […]
Entrepreneur Niall Harbison Samples Bikes, Shoes, Chillies and Bread in Cloughjordan
Chef, social media and online entrepreneur, and author Niall Harbison will be visiting five businesses in the Cloughjordan area later this month and will provide feedback in an open conversational forum on Monday, 20 October at 8pm in the WeCreate Workspace, Cloughjordan. The five businesses selected are all young, and all are looking forward to […]
Entrepreneur Niall Harbison Helps Tipperary Businesses Get Sh*t Done
The Cloughjordan area of Tipperary is home to a number of innovative start-up businesses that are slowly building a profile. Niall Harbison — chef, social media entrepreneur, author and innovator — will visit Cloughjordan in October to discover what’s happening in this hidden gem of Ireland. His visit will culminate in an open forum and […]