Superlevy Advice Must Not Damage Long Term Productive Potential – Kiersey

The latest national update on superlevy shows that butterfat adjusted milk supplies for the April 2011 to January 2012 period are just 0.3% below quota.  IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Kevin Kiersey called for carefully tailored, mindful advice from Teagasc and co-ops to help farmers minimise their exposure without damaging their herd’s long term productive […]

Superlevy – Managing a Difficult Situation to the Quota Year End

by IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Kevin Kiersey At last week’s Ploughing Championship, the 2011/12 superlevy situation was one of the most pressing topics raised by dairy farmers.  While IFA is continuing to press for a “softer” landing and focussing on the EU Commission’s end 2012 review, National Dairy Chairman Kevin Kiersey stresses that there […]

Co-Ops Must Assist Farmers With Superlevy Cash-Flow Problems, And Minister Must Redouble Efforts For ‘Softer Landing’ – Bryan

IFA President John Bryan today (Thurs) urged co-ops to assist farmers in every possible way with cash flow difficulties arising from the early collection of superlevy from over-quota producers. He also urged Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney to redouble his efforts with like-minded member states to secure some further relief from superlevy in Brussels coming […]