More SCEP Training Venues Needed – IFA

IFA Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan has called on the Minister for Agriculture to provide more training events for farmers in the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme. He highlighted the need for these events to be run at convenient locations for farmers to attend and that they must be run in the afternoon or evening so that […]

Schedule For In – Person Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme Training Days Announced

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue has announced the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme in person training schedule. According to data from the SCEP online training portal 46% of farmers who are part of the programme have already completed their compulsory training online in advance of the November deadline.  When it was […]

Suckler Farmers in SCEP Should Seriously Consider Joining National Genotyping Programme – IFA

IFA National Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan has urged suckler farmers to join the National Genotyping Programme to simplify compliance with the SCEP requirements. He said farmers who join the scheme will be completing their genotyping requirements at the time of tagging calves which is the most labour efficient way of carrying out this action and […]