Filmmaker And Illustrator, Cethan Leahy Wins Mercier Press Fiction Competition

Ireland’s oldest independent publishing house, Mercier Press has announced the winner of their fiction competition. Cork author, Cethan Leahy, has won the competition for his young adult novel Tuesdays are Just as Bad. Obviously thrilled with his achievement, Cethan said ‘I still can’t believe I have won the Mercier Press Fiction Competition. It’s genuinely a dream […]

Mercier Press announce fiction competition for first-time authors

Ireland’s oldest independent publishing house, Mercier Press has launched a fantastic competition to find a first-time fiction author with the potential to become a bestselling writer. The Mercier Press Fiction Competition will be accepting manuscripts from unpublished authors from 21 September 2016 to 1 February 2017.  In addition to a publishing deal, the winner will […]