Business in the Community Ireland Reveals Top Companies Contributed €396,303 and 1958 volunteer hours to Charities and Community Groups in Tipperary in 2016

The companies who made an impact in Tipperary: Abbott Ireland, Bank of Ireland,. Boots Retail (Irl) Ltd., Bord na Mona, BT Ireland, Cook Medical, Dawn Meats Group, Gas Networks Ireland, Intel Ireland, KBC Bank Ireland, KPMG, Marks & Spencer Ireland Ltd, MSD, Musgrave, Roadbridge, RTÉ, Tesco Ireland, Three.   The Business Impact Map which can […]

Government must hold Proper Investigation of Siteserv Affair and Low Interest Rates for the Super-Rich – Healy

  by Seamus Healy TD. Are Government, Banks and Super-rich colluding in the recession, just as they did in the boom which wrecked the country? Is this government subsidising the super-rich while oppressing those on low and middle incomes? These are the questions at the heart of the sale of Siteserv in 2011 and the […]

#IRLday, Twitter Event To Coincide With President Obama’s Visit to Ireland

PocketNative and Dublin City University are planning to make Internet history by creating a Twitter event to coincide with President Obama’s visit to Ireland. #IRLday: Let’s Get Ireland Trending is the first effort of its kind to organise an entire nation to tweet positive messages with a unified voice and put Ireland on Twitter’s global […]

Kiersey Warns Against Complacency in Dairy Sector and Urges Industry and Minister to Get on With Necessary Hard Decisions

IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Kevin Kiersey said that at least one crucial deadline of the Dairy Expansion Activation Group’s (DEAG) recommendations had already been missed, which asked that milk processors and ICOS conclude the KPMG efficiency study and start developing a strategy for the future development of the industry by the end of March […]