Radon is still the main source of radiation exposure for the Irish public, say EPA and HIQA.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Health Information Quality Authority have released a new assessment of the average radiation doses the Irish population are exposed to. The Ionising Radiation – National Dose Report details the levels of radiation experienced by the Irish population over the past 5 years from the air we breathe, medical exposures, […]

HIQA Foster Care Service Inspection Report For The Midlands

Tusla – Child and Family Agency acknowledges the publication today of the HIQA inspection report in relation to fostering services in the Midlands. The inspection report highlights that the area has made significant improvements with regard to child in care reviews, care planning and reviews of foster carers, in particular, since the previous inspection in […]

Tulsa To Further Develop And Enhance Services At St’ Joseph’s School, Ferryhouse

Tusla – Child and Family Agency has agreed plans to develop services provided to young people in St Joseph’s School, Ferryhouse into a more current and suitable setting. These planned developments will ensure that the services provided in St Joseph’s are of a high quality and based on the identified needs of children and young people […]

Mayor Of Nenagh calls on H.I.Q.A to investigate Quality and Safety of services and supporting arrangements provided by the H.S.E at Limerick Regional Hospital

I have decided to call on H.I.Q.A to go into Investigate the perilous situation in The Limerick Regional so called centre of excellence after hearing former Chairman of the MWHB ( 1982-2000)Jack Bourke on the radio today talk about the fact that his wife had to stay on a trolley in A and E for […]