Spinning to Mislead on Repossessions in The Dáil

Analysis by Paddy Healy State Owned Banks, AIB, EBS,PERMANENT TSB, are seeking repossession of homes by court order throughout the country. Seamus Healy TD  recently asked Minister for Finance Michael Noonan in the Dáil to instruct these banks to desist from this. Mr Noonan refused and stated that  “In a very extreme situation, the issue […]

Government Evicts Families – Seamus Healy

Statement by Seamus Healy TD This government is continuing to evict families from their homes. In the Dáil last Thursday, I appealed to Minister Michael Noonan to order the banks he owns to withdraw repossession proceedings in light of the extreme housing emergency which exists. The Minister refused.  This means that the government has given […]

Repossessions / Evictions Must Be Stopped – Healy

56 Court Orders for Repossession of Tipperary homes were granted from Jan to September this year according to the Courts Service and further orders have been granted since then. There must be a complete freeze on repossessions until the housing and homelessness crisis is solved. Government Banks —PTSB, EBS and AIB owned by the state, sought […]

EU Commission says evictions are the result of Irish government policy – Carthy

Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands North West, Matt Carthy, has stated that the European Commission has acknowledged that the Irish Goverment’s merciless policy choices have led to a substantial increase in family home repossessions. Carthy, who is a member of the EU parliament’s economic & Monetary Affairs Committee, stated that the Commission’s response to […]

Over 1000 Tipperary Homes face repossession over next 2 years – Healy

Statement by Seamus Healy TD These evictions must be stopped! Ministers Kelly and Hayes must act! Tipperary is the 7th highest county for repossessions cases after Dublin, Cork, Galway Meath, Kildare, Donegal but above Limerick and Waterford 36 Applications for Repossession are before Clonmel Circuit Court this week alone On the 31 Dec, 2014, the […]

Taoiseach Refuses to Protect Penniless Families from Eviction – Seamus Healy TD

Statement by Seamus Healy Workers and Unemployed Action TD By evading my Question and stating that some people would lose their homes the Taoiseach refused to legislate to keep these penniless families in their homes. As can be read below, I was seeking protection for 30,000 people now unemployed who HAVE ENGAGED with their lender […]

AET delivers mandate to bring a motion before the Dáil to ban evictions in Ireland

Dear Sir/Madam , The Anti Eviction Taskforce (AET) would like to inform you that we have written to all Government Ministers across all political parties on behalf of all distressed mortgage holders in Ireland today, delivering a mandate to bring a motion before the Dáil to ban eviction in Ireland. This letter will arrive on […]

South Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath gives support to family under threat of eviction

South Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath today visited Appletown Farm in Co. Limerick to give his support to a family facing eviction. Debt campaigner Seamus Sherlock and his family have barricaded themselves into the farm for the past 150 days after receiving an eviction notice.  Seamus Sherlock famously chained himself to ESB headquarters a number of […]

The AET condemns the government enabling eviction

The Anti Eviction Taskforce strongly condemns the intentions of the Irish Government in seeking to change the 2011 Judgment on the Land and Conveyance Law Reform Act 2009. This Judgment currently makes it difficult for banks to gain repossession orders and has been one of the few protections available to distressed mortgage holders. Its existence is a […]

Anti Eviction Taskforce Launches in Ireland

An independent group of home owners has decided to band together and unite in a concerted effort to protect all homes against repossession. The group, calling itself the Anti-Eviction Taskforce is growing in numbers at a tremendous pace. Starting with a handful of people under threat of eviction, its numbers swelled to over 200 people […]

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