Borrisokane Players return for one night with their hilarious production of ‘Don’t Tell The Wife’

Following a successful three night run and back by popular demand, Borrisokane Players are delighted to return to the Clarke Memorial Hall on Saturday March 2nd at 8.30pm sharp for the final performance of their hilarious production of ‘Don’t Tell The Wife’. Seats are filling up fast already so don’t miss out! Booking advisable on 089 […]

Borrisokane Players Ask That Whatever You Do in 2019, ‘Don’t Tell The Wife’

Following on from last year’s successful outing with ‘Separate Beds’ by Sam Cree, Borrisokane Players are delighted to present another of his comic offerings for 2019 with ‘Don’t Tell The Wife’. Thanks to idle gossip and a best friend who loves to stir the pot, Mrs. Willis is convinced that her plumber husband is chasing […]