Five Credit Unions in Tipperary Providing Loans to Farmers Under New ‘Cultivate’ Farm Loan Programme

Credit Unions across the country have launched Cultivate farm loans. These loans are designed to provide financial support for farmers through short-term and medium-term loans with an interest rate of 6.75% APR. Applications for these loans will be rapidly approved and farmers will have the opportunity to avail of amenable repayment opportunities.   Loans provided to […]

Free Event Promoting A Green And Low Carbon Tipperary

Tipperary based organisation Cultivate are the organsers of the national Convergence Sustainable Living Festival, which is currently being held across the country. It aims to bring people together to explore a a healthier, happier, and more sustainable approach to the development of our communities. Events are being held in Dublin, Carlow, Tipperary, Galway, Cork and […]