Commission approves €11.5 million Irish State Aid scheme to support companies active in the events sector in the context of the coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved a €11.5 million Irish State Aid scheme to support companies active in the events sector affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The measure was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. Under the scheme, the aid will take the form of direct grants. The measure will be open to micro, small and […]
Prioritise safety of staff and customers to ensure sustainable reopening, says Chambers Ireland
Chambers Ireland, the voice of Irish business, has said it welcomes the next phase of reopening the Irish economy and society and has encouraged businesses to take all reasonable steps in prioritising the safety of staff and customers in the workplace. It said the vaccination programme had been “largely successful” but the relatively high level […]
ALONE seeks clarity on Ireland’s vaccination strategy and implementation for older people
ALONE, the organisation that supports and empowers older people, is seeking clarity on Ireland’s vaccination strategy and implementation for older people addressing the importance of quality for access. The organisation is taking action after one in five of calls into their National Support Line in the past week concern general COVID-19 related queries, COVID-19 vaccination […]
Enterprise Support Grant Available to Small Business Owners and Funding for School Meals Scheme to be Extended into Summer
Want to get Ireland back working again. In many cases, this means tackling the roadblocks and obstacles which stop an otherwise viable business from getting back up and running or simply giving them a helping hand. It is crucial that we approach this task in an innovative and flexible manner and this is what underpins […]
Munster Vales seeks input from the tourism trade to create its 5 Year Strategic Development Plan
These are truly unprecedented times for the tourism sector across the board. The industry is and will continue to face challenging times as Covid 19 remains in delay phase, we are all trying to steer a ship in troubled waters but we have to remain hopeful that our tourism industry will rise again and the […]
Message to Students from Presidents of Irish Universities and Institutes of Technology
Message to Students from Presidents of Irish Universities and Institutes of Technology Dear student, We have taken the unusual decision to write to you collectively in these extraordinary times. Your health and safety and that of our wider community is our primary concern, which is why we have all instigated revised at-distance teaching and […]
HSE Advice about Anti-Inflammatory medication and COVID-19
The HSE is today, (Monday 16th March 2020), advising anyone with Covid-19 to continue to take any medication you were already taking, unless you are told not to by a healthcare professional. This includes anti-inflammatories (NSAID) such as ibuprofen, naproxen or diclofenac. In response to false information about anti-inflammatory medication and Covid-19 circulating in media […]