Public sector taking a lead role in reaching Ireland’s climate targets
The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD, and Minister of State with special responsibility for Communications and Circular Economy, Ossian Smyth TD have today welcomed Cabinet approval for the Public Sector Climate Action Mandate 2023, which will see the public sector taking a lead role in helping to achieve the country’s […]
Transport vision in Climate Action Plan will transform how we travel over the coming 7 years
Key Objectives For 2030: Cut transport emissions by 50% Change the way we use our road space Reduce the total distance driven across all car journeys by 20% Continue to enhance accessible public transport services Increase walking and cycling network Reduce the number of ‘school run’ journeys undertaken by private car by 30% Walking, cycling […]
Farmer Planting has declined by Almost 70% under current Forestry Programme
IFA Farm Forestry Chair, Vincent Nally said that the afforestation figures show that farmer planting under the current programme has declined by 67%. “The figures make for stark reading and clearly show that farmers are disengaging from forestry, at time when we need more farmers to consider forest as a viable option as part […]
Nature largely missing from the government Climate Action Plan
The Irish Wildlife Trust welcomes the publication of the government’s Climate Action Plan but is disappointed that nature – and addressing the biodiversity/extinction crisis in particular – is largely ignored. We welcome the commitment to better manage hedgerows and soils in agricultural environments as these can have associated benefits for wildlife. However, the plan largely […]
Climate Action Plan to Tackle Climate Breakdown launches
Giving Ireland a Sustainable Future Cleaner air, warmer homes, better-connected communities, and a more sustainable economy Climate Action Plan to Tackle Climate Breakdown launches The Government has today (Monday the 17th of June) published the Climate Action Plan, led by Minister Richard Bruton, to give Irish people a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future. The […]