Open Day In Gurteen College Will Highlight Potential For Energy In Agriculture
A major open day, Energy in Agriculture 2017 will take place at Gurteen College, Ballingarry, Roscrea on Tuesday, 22nd August. This FREE event will feature talks on all aspects of energy use and generation on fa00rm, practical demonstrations and sixty industry exhibitors. Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten TD will open the event. He […]
Commemorative Monument for Tommy Kavanagh
On Sunday in Ballingarry, Co. Tipperary a commemorative headstone was erected to honour the memory of life-long Tipperary Republican Tommy Kavanagh. The event was organised by the Sinn Féin cumann in The Commons which now bears his name, and by the South Tipperary Republican Commemoration Committee. Despite mildly inclement weather, the event in that attractively […]
County Tipperary Community Games News
The County Tipperary Community Games Athletic Finals will take place on Sunday next, 26th June in Templemore Track. The Marathon will begin at 11am, the Parade will commence at 11.30am with all other events starting at 12 noon. There will be a charge of €5.00 per adult at the gate. The Community Games Pledge will be […]
County Tipperary Community Games News
The County Art & Model Making Finals took place in the Silvermines on Saturday last, 12th March. A huge crowd of contestants turned up on the day to take part & our thanks to the Silvermines for hosting this event. The results are as follows:- Art Boys Under 8: 1. Robert Mullins Lattin Cullen […]