Tipperary Householders Urged To Say No To Junk Mail
‘No Junk Mail’ stickers are being made available to householders across Tipperary in a bid to reduce the amount of waste generated locally by unsolicited mail dropped through letterboxes. The Southern Waste Regional Office, supported by the Environment Section of Tipperary County Council, has developed the initiative as part of its ‘Do One More […]
Tipperary householders urged to go back to cleaning basics
Householders throughout Tipperary are being urged to cut down on domestic cleaning products and go back to basics when it comes to household cleaning. The Southern Waste Management Regional Office (SWMRO), which manages waste recycling and prevention activities for Tipperary’s Local Authorities, has produced a ‘Greener Cleaning’ guide outlining how people can save money and help the environment by replacing […]
Gleeson Quarries Tipperary Maximise Efficiencies by Washing Crusher Dust Stockpiles
CDE Global hosted visitors from throughout Great Britain at an open day in County Tipperary to witness first hand the M2500 mobile washing plant in operation. The event was hosted at Gleeson Quarries near Laffansbridge, County Tipperary where a CDE washing plant is processing waste material from the dry crushing and screening process to produce […]