Expansion of Walks Scheme a Boost for Rural Tourism – IFA

IFA National Hill Farming Committee Chairman Caillin Conneely has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys to develop 70 new trails on the Walks Scheme.   Once completed, these 70 new trails will bring the total number included in the scheme to 150, in line with the commitment set […]

Success of Recreation Strategy Relies on Recognising Landowners

Speaking after the launch of ‘Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors – National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027’, IFA Hill Farming Chairman Caillin Conneely said it’s a positive first step in addressing concerns of landowners surrounding access to land for recreational use.   “Recreational activities can bring huge economic benefits for rural communities. However, the role of the landowner […]

Fáilte Ireland welcomes the addition of 31 walking trails in 13 counties to the ‘Walks Scheme’

Fáilte Ireland welcomes the announcement this morning by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD of the addition of 31 walking trails in 13 counties to the Government’s ‘Walks Scheme’. Fáilte Ireland research shows hiking and walking are ranked amongst the Top 10 Activities domestic tourists participated in this summer, with 57% engaging […]

IFA Presses Minister Ring For Increase In Number Of Walks In Scheme

IFA President Joe Healy has impressed on Minister for Rural and Community Affairs Michael Ring the need to increase the number of walks covered by the Walks Scheme from 40 to 80, and to increase the funding from €2m to €4m.   At a meeting last week, the IFA President reminded the Minister that this […]