Here, There and Everywhere: Rosita Boland in Conversation with Manchán Magan in Dromineer Nenagh Literary Festival
Living in North Tipperary affords us the best of many worlds. We have mountainous areas, the best of agricultural land as well as bog, and the lordly Shannon to the north western borders of the county. Standing at the Millennium Cross recently, with several counties visible from that magnificent viewing spot, the eye travelled beyond […]
Award-winning Author & Journalist Rosita Boland set to host for Immrama Festival Literary Breakfast
The 2019 Immrama Festival of Travel Writing in Lismore County Waterford is set to host senior features writer and author Rosita Boland for the festivals annual Literary Breakfast. Rosita Boland is Senior Features Writer, specialising in human interest stories. She was a 2009 Nieman Fellow at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. She’s […]