Roscrea Community Games

Our athletics competition will be held on Monday 13th May at 7.00pm in the C.B.S. field. The competition begins at Under-8 and goes up to Under-16’s with fun runs and prizes for the toddlers too. It’s €2 per athlete and you can take part in 2 events each, so why not come out and join […]

Roscrea Community Games notes 16th April

Congrantulations to Darragh Carey Kennedy who won the County Tipperary Community Games Solo Music competition held in St. Flannan’s on Sunday. Darragh along with Daniel Coonan and Laura Egan represented Roscrea in the County Group Music where they finished in second play. Well done to all and many thanks to St. Flannan’s for hosting theCountyTalentcompetition. […]

Roscrea HSE Community Games

The new Under 10 handwriting competition will be held for the first time at 1.00pm on Saturday 3rd March followed by the Art and Model Making Competitions in Minter na Tire Hall from 2.00p.m. to 5.00p.m and all are welcome. This is the first year we have held the handwriting competition and it consists of […]

Roscrea Community Games

Roscrea Community Games will hold the 2011 AGM on Tuesday 29th November at 8pm in the Muintire na Tire Hall. Anyone wishing to enter teams such as soccer, tag or mini rugby, basketball, volleyball, quiz, tennis, skittles etc in the 2012 competition should be there to do so o the night Also anyone wishing to […]

Roscrea Community Games

Roscrea Community Games will contest not 1 but 2 County Finals this weekend in Semple Stadium a record for the Town.  First up will be the Under 10 Gaelic Footballers represented by Inane Rovers who last year  not only won the County Final but went on to represent the County in the Munster Final where […]