Lamb Prices Rising – IFA
Speaking at an IFA Sheep Committee meeting in Dublin, National Chairman John Lynskey said lamb prices have improved this week with €4.75/kg widely available and some top prices of €4.80/kg paid. John Lynskey called for the carcase weights to increase to 23kgs from November 1st. He said some deals have already moved up […]
Lamb Supplies Tighter – IFA
IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman John Lynskey said lambs are a bit tighter at the factories this week, and with sterling back at 88p/€, the influx and influence of Northern lamb imports will be less. He said factories are looking for stock and paying from €4.70 to €4.80/kg with top-ups for groups and larger […]
IFA Meets Agricultural Development Board On Brexit Impact For Sheep
IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey said the lamb trade has settled this week with supplies back following the Eid festival, and factories are paying €4.85 to €4.95/kg to get lambs. He said top prices of up to €5.00/kg were paid. On weights, he said more farmers were securing weights to 22kgs and a […]
Another Big Lamb Sale This Week – IFA
IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey said he expects another big kill of lambs at the factories again for the Eid Muslim festival on September 2nd. John Lynskey said factories are buying strongly over the weekend and in the early part of the week paying €5.00/kg.
IFA Calls On Factories To Stabilise Lamb Prices
IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey has said the lamb factories need to stabilise prices and avoid any further undermining of the trade. He said the price cuts of the last 10 days have gone way too far and are inflicting unnecessary income pressure on sheep farms. John Lynskey said in the last week […]
Clean Sheep Policy Must Be Fair And Practical – IFA
IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey has said the Clean Livestock Policy from the Department of Agriculture on sheep needs to be finalised and adopted in a fair and practical manner at the meat plants. He said the current approach of some meat plants applying an across the board clipping charge on sheep is wrong […]
New €10 Per Ewe Scheme Must Be Simple And Effective For Sheep Farmers – IFA
IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman John Lynskey said it is essential that the new sheep scheme is simple and effective in supporting the sheep sector. He said the payment, which should amount to approximately €10 per ewe, must be available to all sheep farmers with breeding ewes and involve minimal expense, costs or bureaucracy on […]
Dogs Must Be Microchipped By End Of March
IFA Sheep Chairman, John Lynskey has reminded all dog owners, including farmers, that they need to microchip and register their dogs by 31st March 2016. Under the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013, introduced by Minister Simon Coveney, all dogs must be microchipped and registered on an authorised database by March 31st 2016. John Lynskey […]