Audi’s Driverless Car “Jack” Shows Consideration For Human Drivers

Audi A7 piloted driving concept car impresses with its natural interaction with other road users on the motorway German Federal Government approves “digital test site” for real-world testing on A9 autobahn Audi experimenting with new road materials for more efficient piloted driving Audi has once again demonstrated its leading role in the field of driverless, […]

Management consultant Blaise Brosnan launches his new book ‘Jack’

Many businesses throughout Tipperary, and indeed Ireland, will be familiar with business mentor *Blaise Brosnan who facilitated the much acclaimed Management Development Course run by the County Enterprise Board. Blaise has followed on from his first book ‘You are the Limiting Factor‘ with another book ‘Jack’ which is destined to take it’s place in boardrooms […]