GIY Offer Companies Top 5 Tips For National Workplace Wellbeing Day 2018

Employers across Ireland are being urged to sign up for Ireland’s fourth National Workplace Wellbeing Day on Friday, April 13th 2018 an event which aims to improve employee well-being through promoting better exercise and nutrition in the workplace.   GIY (Grow It Yourself) know that time spent in the garden is good for your mental […]

New Cottage Market for Tipperary

20 Cottage Markets are set to open in towns across the country this year as a result of the ‘Cottage Market’ initiative unveiled by GIY and supported by Ulster Bank and The Ireland Funds.   Last month community groups from across the country were invited to apply to the initiative for funding in order to […]

Doors officially open at GROW HQ the GIY National Food Education Centre in Waterford

Today (Thursday, October 6th) the doors officially open to the public at the €1.45million GROW HQ, GIY’s National Food Education Centre in Waterford City. The centre is the new home of the GIY movement, which was started in Waterford in 2008 by Michael Kelly.   The centre will serve as an urban grow school, cookery […]