Tipperary Young Person Represents Foroige At The European Parliament
Ashling Dunphy from Foróige, Carrick on Suir, Big Brother Big Sister, attended the European Youth Event (EYE), which took place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, from 1st– 2nd June. The event was attended by 8,000 young people from across Europe. They exchanged ideas and discussed their perspectives on youth-related issues, and took part […]
Buying on-line: Parliament beefs up protection against fraudsters
37% of online shops and booking websites for travel, entertainment, clothing, electronic goods and consumer credit services were found to be in breach of EU consumer laws in 2014 national authorities will get more powers to halt online scams and fraud coordinated actions to tackle cross-border infringements in the EU EU-wide rules to better […]
Fine Gael Helps Trash Corporate Tax Transparency Initiative – Matt Carthy MEP
Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy has condemned a Fine Gael European Parliament vote on corporate tax transparency, saying the party has helped secretive multinationals avoid public scrutiny of their tax affairs. This follows a joint vote yesterday evening by the ECON (Economic and Monetary Affairs) and JURI (Legal Affairs) committees in Strasbourg, in which conservative […]
‘Use It Or Lose It’ Says Harkin
The European Commission is attempting to move the goalposts concerning the issue of water charges in Ireland by giving contradictory responses to questions from members of the European Parliament. This was stated by independent MEP Marian Harkin when she slated the European Commission for issuing confusing messages and, in the process, misrepresenting the position governing […]
‘Fear Factor’ In Food Supply Chain – Harkin
“Today the European Parliament sent a strong message to the Commission on the need for framework legislation to tackle unfair practices in the food supply chain. This will help to ensure that both European farmers and consumers have the opportunity to benefit from fair and equitable selling and buying conditions”. This was stated by Marian […]
Income Inequality Greatest Challenge to New Government says MEP
Closing the gap between rich and poor in Ireland was the single biggest challenge to the incoming government and this should be the objective of every member of the new Oireachtas. This was the message from the UNICEF report published today according to Independent MEP Marian Harkin. In a speech in the European Parliament in […]
‘Yes We Can’, Commissioner Hogan – Five Suggestions To Ease The Crisis In Farming
While Commissioner Hogan wrings his hands and says there is nothing he can do in relation to the crisis in Agriculture he must remember his responsibilities to the farming community. Speaking yesterday in the European Parliament in the debate on this issue MEP Luke Ming Flanagan outlined five areas where the Commissioner can immediately intervene, […]
European Parliament discusses impact of U.S. Trade deal on Agriculture – In Private! – Carthy
The Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands North West, Matt Carthy, has warned that Irish farmers need to be extremely concerned about the potential negative impact that EU trade deals with the USA, Canada and Mercosur countries could have on Agriculture. Mr. Carthy was speaking following a meeting of the European Parliament’s Agriculture & Rural […]
1916 Easter Rising to be celebrated in European Parliament
A two-day celebration of Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising will take place in the European Parliament in Brussels next week. The celebration will comprise of a series of events which will include historical and political hearings, a concert of Irish music, dramatic re-enactments and a presentation of a copy of the 1916 Proclamation of Independence. […]
Draghi Questioned in European Parliament on Banking Inquiry Report
by Luke Ming Flanagan Today in the European Parliament Plenary session, and following on from the recent report of the Banking Inquiry, I got an opportunity to put a question directly to Mario Draghi, current President of the ECB. Given that the speaking time allotted was just one minute, the question by definition was short […]