Men’s Sheds awarded European Citizen’s Prize

Fine Gael MEPs Seán Kelly, Mairead McGuinness, Brian Hayes and Deirdre Clune have congratulated the Irish Men’s Sheds Association on officially receiving the 2018 European Citizen’s Prize at a European Parliament awards in Brussels on Tuesday evening. The prestigious award follows a joint nomination by the MEPs in recognition of Irish Men’s Sheds work in […]

FG MEPs Nominate Irish Men’s Sheds Association For European Citizen’s Prize

Fine Gael MEPs Seán Kelly, Mairead McGuinness, Brian Hayes and Deirdre Clune have jointly nominated the Irish Men’s Sheds Association for the 2018 European Citizen’s Prize. The prestigious award recognises projects or individuals that promote cross-border cooperation and EU values. Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Leader of Fine Gael in the European Parliament, Seán […]

European Citizen’s Prize for Comhaltas – MEPs present Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann with prestigious award at ceremony in Brú Ború

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann was presented with the highly prestigious European Citizen’s Prize on Saturday at a special award ceremony at Brú Ború Cultural Centre, Cashel. Senator Labhrás Ó Murchú Ardstiúrthóir CCÉ and Vincent Jordan, President CCÉ accepted the prize on behalf of Comhaltas from Lynn Boylan MEP after which Senator Ó Murchú addressed the full […]