National Slow Down Day Begins

Today, December 20th, marks National Slow Down Day. This is a period of twenty-four hours where there are increased speeding checkpoints as well as more road safety policing. The aim of National Slow Down Day is to increase awareness around road safety issues and get people to adhere to the rules of the road to […]

GRA welcomes introduction of facemasks at checkpoints and on patrols

GRA President Jim Mulligan has welcomed clarification that gardai on outdoor duties will be equipped with facemasks they can use if social distancing cannot be maintained – including on foot patrol and at checkpoints. However, the priority testing of gardaí remains an unresolved issue. Last Friday, NPHET announced that facemasks should be worn by the […]

4 In 10 Motorists Stopped At Garda Checkpoint In Last 6 Months, AA Survey Finds

41.54% of motorists have been stopped at a Garda checkpoint in the last 6 months Almost 90% of drivers stopped at a checkpoint had the tax/insurance/NCT discs checked. Most Check-points in urban areas during afternoon & early evening More than 4 out of every 10 drivers have been stopped at a Garda checkpoint in the […]