Asylum Seekers To launch Right To Work Campaign In Buswells

Led by asylum seekers, the MASI campaign calls for the right to work for all asylum seekers in Ireland without restrictions and without discrimination. The government is about to announce the details of Ireland’s opt in to the EU Directive on Reception Conditions, and the terms to be applied to the right to work for […]

Tipperary Constituents Play Their Part In Clinic na Gaeilge

Members of the Irish-speaking community from Tipperary met with their local representatives this week to voice their concerns around Irish language and Gaeltacht funding as Clinic Na Gaeilge came to Kildare Street in Dublin. The ten-hour mobile clinic at Buswells Hotel saw Orlaith Nic Ghearailt and others sit down with local representative Carol Nolan TD […]

Irish Heart New Stroke Manifesto Launch

Irish Heart launched a new Stroke Manifesto setting out a 12 point blueprint to eliminate preventable death and disability without increasing the overall cost of stroke to the State in Buswells Hotel, Dublin. Chris Macey, Head of Advocacy with Irish Heart, officially unveiled the Manifesto and the launch was addressed by National Stroke Programme lead […]