Aldi Continues to Mislead Consumers – IFA
IFA President Tim Cullinan said the statement issued by Aldi today refers to their milk brand as ‘Clonbawn’. This is misleading as the brand they use on their milk is actually ‘Clonbawn Irish Dairy’. There is no such dairy. Aldi go on to list the Irish dairies and co-ops they work with. Why can’t […]
Tipperary food, drink & non-food related producers invited to ‘Grow with Aldi’
‘Grow with Aldi’ call for entries opens on Sunday, 17th January Supplier development programme returns for fourth year offering huge opportunity to Tipperary producers to win a place on Aldi’s shelves nationwide Irish food, food service and non-food products invited to enter this year Entrants encouraged to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability For the first year, non-food related […]
Tipperary National School wins €10,000 in Aldi Primary School Sticker Competition
Over 1,500 primary schools nationwide entered the competition St Peter & Paul’s National School, Drumconrath, Navan, Co Meath and St Joseph’s National School, Leitrim Village, Co Leitrim announced as the two winning schools Winning €50,000 each for their school’s sports facilities 10 runner up primary schools have won €10,000 each One lucky school has won […]
Top Companies Contribute To Tipperary Charities And Community Groups
21 companies contributed €745,513 to support community groups and organisations in Tipperary in addressing key social issues and causes in 2017 249 community partnerships have been established Employees volunteered over 2060 hours to Tipperary groups and projects Statistics are now available on an online interactive map entitled the ‘Business Impact Map’ This data was captured by […]
Sales Of Fairtrade Products Continue To Grow
The ongoing recovery in the Irish economy is having a positive impact on the number, range and sales levels for Fairtrade products here. Ireland’s largest coffee company, Bewley’s, is moving all of its own label coffee to Fairtrade by the end of 2017. And an increasing number of smaller coffee companies are getting involved as […]
IFA Nails The Lie That German Discounters’ Super Deals On Vegetables And Potatoes Don’t Damage Irish Growers
Addressing a protest at Lidl and Aldi stores in north Dublin today, IFA National Chairman Jer Bergin accused the retailers of gross hypocrisy by slashing the price of fresh produce below the cost of production while claiming to support Irish growers. Jer Bergin said, “Reducing the shelf price of some vegetables and potatoes to as […]
Aldi accused of pushing vegetable growers to extinction
IFA President Eddie Downey today (Mon) said the current behaviour of all the major retailers towards vegetable growers will ensure the extinction of this specialised production sector and prevent Irish consumers from getting premium quality vegetables, as they will be substituted by imports. The IFA President was addressing vegetable and potato growers who were protesting […]