Tipperary Learner Features in New Booklet Celebrating Learner Voice from the National FET Learner Forum
A new booklet celebrating the impact of learners sharing their experiences through the National FET Learner Forum has been launched by AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation. The booklet, entitled I’m a FET Learner, features the personal stories of 10 Further Education and Training (FET) learners. From Imani Tutu who attended the first ever National FET Learner Forum event […]
Evening Courses Spring 2016 in Templemore College
Enrolments are still taking place for Spring Evening Courses 2016 in Templemore College of Further Education. Contact Details; Tel: 0504 31007 Email; Info@tcfe.ie Website; www.tcfe.ie Evening Courses Spring 2016 Internet and Email CompTIA A+ ECDL (Database, Powerpoint, IT Security, Online Essentials) Guarding Skills (QQI 4) Conversational Irish Animal Welfare (QQI 5) Introduction to Beauty […]
AONTAS calls on Tipperary Projects to enter the STAR awards
AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation, has today called on adult education projects in the Tipperary area to enter the 10th Annual STAR Awards. The STAR Awards is a national awards initiative that celebrates the achievements of adult learners and adult education programmes throughout the island of Ireland. Every year in February, AONTAS holds a […]
Tipperary Adult Learning Project shortlisted for an AONTAS STAR Award
The 9th annual STAR Awards ceremony is almost upon us and the shortlist has been announced. 37 adult learning projects throughout Ireland are in with the chance to win an AONTAS STAR Award. AONTAS (The National Adult Learning Organisation) coordinates the STAR Awards as part of the annual Adult Learners’ Festival to acknowledge the achievements […]
Aontas – Adult Learners Festival 2012
The sixth annual nationwide Adult Learners’ Festival will take place from February 20th to February 24th 2011! AONTAS would like you to get involved… AONTAS believes that all adults in Ireland should have equal access to learning opportunities.We believe that adult learning has a hugely important role to play in the economic and social future of […]