Power Up Grant From The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Announced For Retail and Hospitality Businesses

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke, has announced a Power Up Grant which is to be made available to retail and hospitality businesses across the country. Grants of €4,000 will be made available in a one-time payment for businesses which have received their second ICOB payment. Eligible applicants will receive an email from their Local Authority who are administering the scheme on behalf of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.  

An online portal has been set up for the purpose of registering for the grant payment and is accessible through the department’s website . The deadline for registration is Friday, November 8th 2024.  

Speaking about the Power Up grant, Minister Peter Burke said:  

“I am very aware of the struggles that businesses in the hospitality and retail sectors continue to face. The Power Up grant has a budget of €170 million and is available to businesses that received a second payment under the Increased Cost of Business scheme. We know that input costs have increased, and this flat payment will go some way to help with rising costs associated with running your businesses during the busy Christmas period. 

“Registrations for the Power Up grant are open from today. In order to get payments out to our shops, to our small restaurants, to our cafes and to our pubs before the end of the year, I am strongly urging businesses to register without delay. Local Authorities are emailing businesses that qualify with details on how to register as we speak, so all business owners need to check their emails and find their link. 

“I want to thank the Local Authorities for their tremendous work in administering these grants on behalf of my department. They are the closest arm of the state to many of our businesses and have direct links in to businesses at a local level.” 



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